Jeremy Looi's Blog

Everything that is fun and profitable.. relating to Interneting...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Attending IMC BootCamp (Day 2)

IMC Boot Camp in Malaysia (Day 2)

Day 2? Yes.. it is Day 2 for the IMC BootCamp.
Do you know how much content-rich information Derek Gehl is going to put inside my brain again?
Can't even find a word in Dictionary to DESCRIBE IT!! Very Interesting!

Very Excited... Meaningful... Enjoy !!
Learning to be success in Internet Marketing just like driving an F1 car, you need to be fast ..
whoever attended it.. you will know it, rite?

:D Good Luck guys!

Attending IMC BootCamp (Day 1)

IMC Boot Camp in Malaysia (Day 1)

Wow!! What a fantastic day with full of content-rich information provided by Derek Gehl, as for those if you wonder who is Derek. Check it out! He is the CEO of Internet Marketing Center!!

What to know more: Copy and Paste it into your URL link.

Great! It was a great day for Internet Newbies just like me.

I was fully enjoyed it and have fun and keep on rolling on your Internet Marketing Business... :D