Jeremy Looi's Blog

Everything that is fun and profitable.. relating to Interneting...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Attending IMC BootCamp (Day 3)

IMC Boot Camp in Malaysia (Day 3)

At last, something that came to the end... this is the last day of attending the Ultimate Internet Marketing Seminar by Derek Gehl.

I hope there will be never ending...

Good... There is 1 word I would like to voice up about his seminar.. good for those who really want to learn (including me) :D
It is better to have some little knowledge about "THE INTERENT" before come over here.
So you can pick it fast..

Information provided by Derek Gehl is very systematic, step by step and easy to understand..

Here is the snapshot of Derek Gehl with me... haha. at least I have some proof that I went to IMC Seminar..
Here it is.....

Thanks Derek for teach me the systematic way of the path to become Internet Marketers.!!

Special Thanks to Derek and his IMC Team.